هجين الأسد والنمر

The liger is a
hybrid cross between a male Panthera leo (
lion), and a female Panthera tigris (
tiger) and is denoted scientifically as Panthera tigris × Panthera leo.
[1][2] A liger resembles a giant lion with diffused stripes. They are the largest cats in the world, although the
Siberian Tiger is the largest pure sub-species. Like tigers, but unlike lions, ligers enjoy swimming. A similar hybrid, the offspring of a
male tiger and a
female lion is called a
اللايجر او الاسدالنمر هو هجين من أسد وانثى النمر .. وبعد التهجين حصل العلماء على حيوان بضعف حجم النمر والأسد العاديين وكذلك ضخامة في الرأس .
وهذا رابط الفيديو الخاص بهذا الحيوان .
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